The MorVue sight works well in the M77 rear sight island while the NECG "Full Moon" works well on the rear receiver bridge.

While we offer traditional hand-cut engraving, many would like the beauty provided by traditional engraving, but the cost for hand-cut engraving is generally in the thousands making it prohibitive to most. We have something new to offer our customers who would like the distinction of fine engraving without the high cost.

For the Ruger No.1, we are now able to offer fine laser engraving at a very reasonable price of only $500 for both sides of the Ruger No.1 receiver as seen below. The receiver shown is still "in the white" and hasn't been blued at this point to better show off the fineness of this artform.

We believe that every rifle should wear iron sights, either as the primary sighting system or as a back up to a scope. Anyone who has had a hunt ruined by a damaged scope will appreciate the sagacity of our position. That said, we offer several aperture / receiver sight systems that each offer advantages of their own which we can explain in planning your Trophy Rifle.

It's good to have options - and we've added to the list.

      The New RJRenner MorVue Aperture Sight is adjustable for windage and elevation and locked by set screws.

Because the art of casecoloring is somewhat unpredictable, being akin to alchemy and witchcraft, here is just one example of previous work but is not a guarantee of a particular result. However, we are certain that the result will be a Trophy Rifle that is sure to become your favorite rifle and a treasured family heirloom.

For those of you who are dedicated Anglo or Teutonophiles, and really want to complete that great European look of your new English or Germanic Stalking Rifle, we are pleased to now be able to offer our service of installing the 7/8-inch European sling swivels by adapting your present Ruger sling studs to accept the smaller European swivels.

We now also offer what is, in our opinion, one of the all-time best rifle slings ever made. Although a well-kept secret here in the States, the Albreckt Kind Quick-Adjusting Toggle Sling has been in use on the Continent since the 1850s. Once you use this sling you will not use any other.

The Euro swivels and the Quick-Adjust Sling are available as part of our Trophy Rifle package.

The price for this wonderful conversion is only $175.

Introducing our  RJ Renner MorVue Aperture Sight

No.1 Ultra-Slender and the "Petite" Cheekpiece

European Sling and Swivels

A good muzzle brake does more than just reduce the felt recoil of your rifle. When properly designed, the muzzle brake also has the unique ability to change the characteristics of the rifle's report. This "diffusion" of sound makes it very difficult for the game to determine exactly from where the rifle shot came. Also, if a bad shot was made, it may allow the hunter a second shot before the game spooks and runs.

Our "Discreet" Muzzle Brake  consists of 20 small vents strategically located in the front sight band of our No. 1 English Stalking Rifle and Pre-War 77 Trophy Rifles. So positioned, they provide the benefits of the brake without compromising the fine lines and aesthetics of our Trophy Rifles.

The price is $200 as part of our Trophy Rifle package.

In addition to the custom stock work that we provide, we also offer other specialized services that are only available as part of our Trophy Rifle package.

At long last, our Renner No.1 Tang Sight is finally available. These high-quality sights can provide you with the accuracy edge if longer distance shooting is required. Each sight includes three discs of various aperture diameters.

Please call for more information.

Many shooters feel that a cheekpiece just completes the look - and feel - of a great rifle. We agree and now offer our "Petite" cheekpiece which we can coax out of the original stock as part of our Ultra-Slender process. While the No.1 is depicted, we offer Ultra- Slenderizing for Ruger M77s also, at only $200 extra.

NOTICE: .Although we strive to keep all info on this site current, specifications and prices are subject to change.

So, be sure to call and ask about current options, pricing, and specifications while we plan your Trophy Rifle.

"MorVue" is a trademark of RJ Renner. Do not Trespass.

Today there is a renewed interest in the art of casehardening and casecoloring and its application to quality firearms. However, to say that "we do casecoloring" doesn't really explain what we have to offer. While we do offer the service, there is such a variety of effects that result from the varied techniques developed by the providers of this beautiful service that we feel there are some choices. After all, as the saying goes, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and what one may consider art another may consider a complete waste of money.  So, we give you some interesting options.

Below is one example of our casecoloring. We can apply the process to your Trophy Rifle as well. The price for our casecoloring service is $375 but is only available as part of our Trophy Rifle package.

We have recently introduced our MorVue Aperture Sight for our Ruger No.1 and  Pre-War 77 Trophy Rifles. Unlike other aperture sights for the Ruger, the MorVue Aperture Sight was designed to work with the original Ruger front sight, saving you the cost, installation, and adjustment of a higher front sight. The MorVue is a petite sight that fits into the existing rear sight slot and is easily adjusted for windage and elevation. As its name implies, it provides a much better view of the target and acquiring an accurate sight picture is quick and easy.

The MorVue works perfectly in the rear sight island of our Pre-War 77s.  For those wishing a receiver sight, we suggest the Full Moon sight from New England Custom Gun which mounts on the receiver bridge of the Ruger 77s and CZ 550s. The Lyman receiver sights work on other bolt action rifles, such as Remingtons, Winchesters, etc. The price for our exclusive MorVue Aperture Sight is only $125 as part of our Trophy Rifle package, while the NECG "Full Moon" sight is  $135 installed and adjusted.


Although we accept and promote the challenge of still hunting and stalking to within 100 yards or less before the shot is taken, and using iron sights to do so, scopes do have their place. Some of our clients simply can't see iron sights well enough to make an ethical shot at any distance. Also, at times lighting or sighting conditions are such that a pre-zeroed scope in the backpack can save the hunt or allow the hunter to make a shot that can result in an ethical harvest of the game.

While there are several good quick-detach scope mounting systems available, few shooters appreciate the outstanding design of the original Ruger scope rings. Some would argue that they're not quick-detachable and won't re-zero. That's true - when using the rings as they arrive from the factory.

We now offer our scope ring "Re-Zeroing" service for the rings that will be used on our No.1 or Pre-War 77 Trophy Rifles. By "tuning" the scope ring tightening nuts so that when evenly torqued the screw slots are both parallel to the bore, it's possible to zero the scope, remove it from the rifle, and when remounted on the same rifle the scope will return to zero if both screws are again equally tightened - which is indicated by the screw slots again being parallel with the bore. It's actually quicker and easier to perform than to explain. 

Discreet Muzzle Brake

Call us today to discuss your Trophy Rifle


     or email:

Custom  Sights and Scope Ring Service


The quality of design and execution, as well as the value of this engraving, is immediately apparent even in these photos. The addition of this engraving not only adds great value to your rifle, but adds a touch of distinction that few other No.1 rifles possess. 

Call us today to discuss adding this fine engraving to your No.1 Trophy Rifle. 

Renner No.1 Tang Sight


It can readily be seen in the photo above that the slots in the scope ring tightening nuts are parallel to the barrel. Once we've "tuned" your rifle's rings, re-zeroing the scope in the field can be accomplished easily without the levers, springs or gadgets of other more complicated ring designs.  The results are clean, smooth lines without protruding levers that can snag on brush, a sling, or clothing and be inadvertently moved out of alignment.

We can provide this service as part of our Trophy Rifle package and the cost is only $25 - far less than the cost of those spendy quick detachable rings. We will be happy to explain the benefits of using the factory rings, which, in our opinion and experience, are better than anything else available for the Ruger rifles when so modified.